
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

How to make Aaloo ko Achar (Potato Pickle Nepali)


Potato — 2 lbs
Cooking oil –half a cup
Sesame seeds– half a cup
Cumin powder –1 spoon
Fenugreek seeds (Methi) - Some
Turmeric powder — 1/5 spoon
Coriander powder — 1 spoon
Asafoetida powder (heeng) (optional)– pinch
Green chilies – 5 – 10Lemon juice — half cup
Coriander leaves– few
Salt- your taste


Boil potatoes, peel it and chop into quarters

Roast sesame seeds (Teel) (half cup) on a pan till it turns light brown and starts crackling, after which grind it in a food processor

Heat half cup of oil in frying pan and add about 30 – 40 methi seeds till it turns dark brown

Add cut green chilies (about 6 – 9 depending on your taste) light fry chilies for 20 seconds

Add spoonful of coriander, cumin and 1/5 of turmeric powder

Add the ground sesame seeds and salt to taste (You may add pinch of Asafoetida)

Cook for a minute in low flame. Stir it continuously

Add the potatoes cook for about 3-4 minutes (stirring continuously)

Add half cup of fresh lime/lemon juice. Mix it very well

Garnish with fresh chopped coriander leaves

Now it is ready to serve.

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