
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Golbheda ko Achar

How to make cooked Tomato achar
(Pakako golveda ko achar)




Tomato – 4 to 5 
Onion – ½ cut into small pieces
Ginger paste of finely chopped ¼ tablespoon (I personally prefer finely chopped)
Garlic -4 finely chopped 
Green chilies- 4 finely chopped 
Fenugreek seed 1 teaspoon
Thyme seed 1 teaspoon
Salt to taste
Coriander powder 1/3 teaspoon
Red chili powder as desired
Salt as desired
Oil 1 tablespoon 
Timur- ¼ teaspoon 
Turmeric 1/3 teaspoon
Wash and cut tomatoes into four halves

Heat a pan
Add oil, when pan is hot add fenugreek seeds and thyme seed
When they turn golden brown pour tomato, onion, garlic, ginger and green chili at the same time

Add turmeric and salt 

When it starts to give water then add coriander powder and red chilies

Let it cook until all the water dries 

Add fresh coriander 

Your cooked tomato achar is ready to serve.

To use this achar as pizza sauce in Nepali Pizza use a grinder to make paste of this Achar and when ready spread it in the pizza daugh)

Bitter Gourds Achar

How to make Tite Karela ko AcharTite Karela

Bitter gourds - 2
Mustard seeds - 3 teaspoons
Asafetida powdered - 1/2 teaspoon
Fenugreek seeds - ½ tea spoon
Chili powder - 2 or 3 teaspoons
Vinegar - 1 table spoon
Salt - per taste
Vegetable Oil- 2 table spoons

Cut bitter gourd into thin pieces.
Dry roast 2 teaspoons mustard and ½ teaspoon fenugreek seedsTite Karela ko Achar
When done powder them.
Heat vegetable oil in the pan
Let 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds to splutter.
Add powdered mustard, fenugreek and asafetida.
Stir it properly
Add salt, chili powder and bitter gourd.
Mix it well.
Add little hot water and 3 table spoons of vinegar and mix well.
Close the pan and cook till the bitter gourd is done.

Serve it !

Okra Achar

How to make Bhindi / Ramtoriya ko Achar (Okra or Lady finger)




Okra / Ladyfinger – 100 gms
Coriander seeds – ½ table spoon
Mustard seeds – 1 tablespoon
Cumin seeds – ½ tablespoon
Red Chilies – 3
Tamarind – ½ tea spoon
Hing or Asafetida – pinch
Salt – to taste

Method I

Heat oil and do seasoning with mustard seed and cumin seeds

Add the red chilies, coriander seeds, Asafetida and fry them in low flame

Allow them to cool

In another pan

Deep fry okra
Grind the fried okra and the seasoned mixture with salt and tamarind

Okra Achar/Chutney is ready to serve
Tips and Tricks
Deep fry the okra such that the stickiness goes off
Do not add water while grinding the mixture
We can also add garlic to this recipe

Method II

Cut the Okra into proper round or long piece

Heat oil in a pan

Add fenugreek seed, thyme seed, red chilies and turmeric

Deep fry the okra such that the stickiness goes off

Meanwhile In a pan dry fry sesame seed

Grind sesame seed

Add it in the fried Okra

Add red chili powder and lemon juice

Mix it well

Okra Achar is ready to serve.

Mint Leaves' Achar पुदिना को अचार

How to make Babari ko Achar 

Pudina ko Achar


Mint -1 bunch
Oil -1 table spoon
Cumin -3/4 tablespoon
Black Dal soaked in water-1 tablespoon
Channa dhal-2 tablespoon
Pepper -1/4 tablespoon
Coriander Seeds-1 table spoon
Red Chili -1 
Green Chili-2 
Tamarind –a pinch 
Coconut -2 tablespoon 
Salt as required


Clean the Mint by taking only the leaves, wash them and keep it aside

In a pan add Oil 

Add Black dal Channa dal and remaining ingredients ,fry for 1 min

Add the Mint leaves and fry till the leaves shrink and leave the moisture. It takes about 3-5 minutes. Allow it to cool down.
Add coconut and grind to fine paste. 

Add little water while grinding if necessary. 

Achar is ready to serve...!!!

Onion Achar ( Pyaj ko Achar)

Chopped Onion

How to make Onion Achar

Pyaaz ko Achar.................!!!

Pan to cook
Spatula to stir
Grinder to mix

Type - I

Onions ( Pyaaj ) - peeled 1 cup
Garlic- 6 -7 flakes
Channa Dal (Bengal Gram) - 2 table spoon
Red chilies - per taste
Salt - per Taste
Fenugreek and thyme seed - few
Mustard seeds - 1 table spoon
Curry Leaves – 2 (optional)
Tamarind (Imili) or lemon juice 1 teaspoon

Heat oil in a pan,
Fry chilies, dal, garlic and the onions, till golden brown.
Grind the fried mixture with tamarind and salt.
Splutter mustard seeds, Fenugreek seed, and thyme seed and curry leaves, in oil and pour on top.
Serve with Roti or Puri.

Type - II

Onions ( pyaz ) peeled and cut into fine pieces- 1 cup
Garlic ( lasoon ) 6 -7 flakes
Turmeric ( Besar )- ½ tea spoon
Red chilies powder - per taste
Salt - Per Taste
Fenugreek (Methi) and thyme seeds (Jwano) - few
Mustard seeds (Rayo) - 1 table spoon
Tamarind (Imli) or lemon juice 1 teaspoon

In a bowl pour the cut onions and add salt red chili powder and tamarind juice on to it
Heat the pan
Add oil
When the oil is hot add fenugreek seed, thyme seed, and garlic.
When they turn golden brown torn off the gas and add the turmeric in it
Pour it in the bowl.

Your Onion Achar is ready to serve.

Hot and Spicy!!!

How to Make Mula ko Achar


Radish Pickle


Jar to Store


Daikon Radish – slice it in lengh of 2.5 inches cut it 1/8th in width – 1 kg (2.2 lbs)
Turmeric Powder – one tea spoon
Mustard seeds – grounded – about half a cup
Szechwan pepper (Timur) - 1 teaspoon
Hot chili paste or powder - 2 tablespoons (depends upon how hot you prefer your pickle)
Cocking oil (mustard oil is preferred) – 1/2 cup
Pinch of asafetida (Hing)
Paprika for flavor- 1 tablespoon
Salt to taste

Put the sliced radish into a bowl and add a spoon of table salt.

Put it to thaw for at least 3-5 hours. (longer time is preferred to get better taste)

It is the process of water out of daikon.

Press white sliced radish to get water out without breaking them and keep it on another bowl one by one.

Add those ground mustard, Szechwan, chilli powder/paste, oil and mix it properly.

Use your hand if possible or take a soft spatula to stir the mixture.

Gradually add hing and salt on it. You may taste it to add salt, as you have already thawed it in salt for several hours.

Mix it and stir it till all the mixture get the same color.

Put mixture in a jar (preferably in glass jar).

Put the top on and let it do its process of fermentation for 4 days.

Check the jar in between and add oil if necessary.  

Open the jar after 4 days, enjoy the smell and serve it.
Hot and Spicy...!!!

लप्सीको अचार

How to make Lapsi ko achar (Choerospondias axillaris)

Boiling vessel
Frying pan
Spatula to stir

Lapsi – 1 kg (2.25 lbs)
Cumin Seeds (Jeera ko geda) – half tea spoon
Thaimol (Jwano), Fenugreek (meethi) – a little
Jimboo (Traditional Nepali herb spice) – a little
Sugar – 2 cups
Water – 2 cups
Cooking oil – half cup
Salt – On taste
Red Chili powder – 1 tea spoon
Red chili – 3
Raisins – Few
Cashew - Few


Boil lapsi till the skins break out
Pill the lapsi and put the skin in separate plate (skin may be used to make Titaura)
Heat oil in frying pan and put red chili and jwano/methi and jimboo in it.
Fry chili jwano/ methi and jimboo till get dark
Add pilled lapsi in the hot oil pan
Add sugar in it.
Add chilli powder, turmeric powder, salt on it.
Stir the mixture in pan continuously and add some water in it and let it cook for some time.
When the mixture becomes thick add raisins and cashew for taste.

Your lapsi ko achar is ready to serve.

Dry Green Peas' Achar

How to make Kerau ko Achar
Kerau ko achar is very famous pickle in Nepal. It is eaten as a side dish of puri, fulaura, khir and sel-rotis.


Round big bowl
Big spoon to stir/mix


Dry Green Peas - 200 Grams
Small Dry green Peas - 200 Grams
Ginger- 1 spoon
Salt- as per your taste
Lemon juice or (Chuk Amilo found in Nepal) - 2table spoon
Minced Mustard Seed (raiyo) – 1 table spoon
Green chilies 2-3 (Small round cut pieces)
Mustard Oil- half cup
Turmeric- pinch


Soak small and big green peas through night
Cut green chilies and ginger into small pieces
Mix both the peas in one bowl and add salt and Turmeric
Add the minced mustard in the bowl
Add green chilies and ginger to the mixture
Add the mustard oil and Lemon juice.
Stir the mixture gently for 5-7 minutes.
Leave it for half an hour for better taste.

Your pickle is ready to serve.

How to make Gundruk ra Bhatmas ko Achar

Gundruk ko achar

Gundruk ko chhop

Dried green leaves and Soybean pickle 

Gundruk ko Chhop

Method 1

Big bowl
Pan to fry soybeans (bhatmas )
Spoon to stir
Grinder (stone grinder prefer) to mix all the ingredients


Gundruk –a fist full
Soybean- 50 gram
Oil- 2 table spoon
Salt – as per taste
Green chili -3-4 piece
Lemon juice- 1 table spoon
Garlic-1 piece
Tomato-1 piece


Soak gundruk in a bowl of water and leave it for about half an hour
Heat the soybean in the pan with or without oil (भट्मास भुट्ने)
Grind the green chilies in the grinder adding salt, tomato and garlic mixing it properly
Add oil, lemon juice and soybean, mix it properly add some water.

Your Gundruk ko achar is ready to serve.


Method 2 : Gundruk Powder Achar – Chhop - गुन्द्रुक को छोप

Big bowl
Pan to fry soybeans (bhatmas )
Spoon to stir
Grinder (stone grinder prefer) to mix all the ingredients


Gundruk –a feast full
Saybean- 50 gram
Oil- 2 table spoon
Salt – as per taste
Green chili -3-4 piece
Lemon juice- 1 table spoon
Garlic-1 piece


Heat/fry without oil gundruk with soybean and grind it to make mince

Add red chili powder, salt and lemon juice

Gundruk ko achar/ chhop / chop is ready to serve.


Green Chili Achar

Hot Green Chili Pepper Achar

Green Chili Jar Achar

Hariyo Khursani ko Khadeko Achar

Glass jar 
Big bowl


Green chili – 1 lb
Salt – 1 table spoon 
Garlic and ginger – 1 table spoon each 
Mustard Oil – 1 table soon
Turmeric powder -1 teaspoon 
Radish seed powder – 1 teaspoon 


Wash and cut the chili pepper (make two or three pieces each) 

Put the pieces of chilies in a big bowl 

Add all the spices on it and mix it well 

Fill the mixture in the jar close jar 

Keep the jar under the sun for about 2 or 3 days 

Your Achar is ready to serve with rice roti, rice or chiura. 

Ginger Pickle

Aduwa ko Achar

Aduwa Achar

Round big bowl
Big spoon to stir/mix
Glass jar 
Ginger- 200 gram
Lemon- 200 gram
Salt- 1 teaspoon
Asafetida – pinch
Black pepper- 1/4 teaspoon


Take the ginger peel the skin and wash it clean

Cut the ginger into small pieces of your desire (I prefer long stripes)

Cut lemon into two halves and squeeze out the juice

In a bowl mix lemon juice and ginger

Add salt, asafetida and black pepper and mix it well

Now fill the mixture and cover it 

Keep the jar in sun for about 3 days 

Every other day stir the mixture in jar and let the lemon juice be on top 

This pickle tastes great after three days. You can store this achar for more than a month. This is the best thing to eat during lazy hours.

Pumpkin Pickle

How to make Farsi ko Achar



Yellow pumpkin -200 gram
 Fenugreek seed- ½ tea spoon
Thyme seed- ½ teaspoon
Green chilies -3
Salt- to taste
Turmeric- ½ teaspoon
Red chili powder- 1 teaspoon (or as desired)
Lemon -1 (if you have chook Amilo is the best)
Oil -2 tablespoon


Cut the skin of the pumpkin and cut the pumpkin in small pieces

Heat the pan, add the oil

Add Fenugreek seed, and thyme seed

When they turn golden brown add chilies

Add the pumpkin, turmeric and salt

Cover the pan and let it cook until pumpkin is well cooked

Now add lemon juice

Pumpkin Achar is ready to serve.!!!

आलु र दही को अचार Chukauni


५०० ग्राम आलु

१०० ग्राम प्याज ( जरुरी छैन)
१ लिटर दही
खुर्सानी धुलो
हरियो खुर्सानी


५/७ चम्चा तेल तताउने , १ चिम्टी मेथी फुराउने, आधा चम्चा भन्दा कम मात्र बेसार र हरियो खुर्सानी  पनि मेथी फुरौने बेलामा नै फुराउने

दहीलाई उक्त तातो मेथी बेसार तेल ले झान्ने

अन्दाज गरि नुन र खुर्सानी दहीमा मिसाउने

आलु उसिन्ने, छोडाउने अनी तरकारीलाई जसरी काट्ने

काँचो प्याज लाई मसिनो गरि काट्ने

आलु र प्याज लाई झानेको दही मा मिसाउने

यसरी दही र आलु को अचार बनाउन सकिन्छ। बनेको केही समय आलुमा दही भिज्ज्न दिदा स्वाद तिख्हर हुन्छ।

तपाईको अचार तयार भो !!!    

How to make Aaloo ko Achar (Potato Pickle Nepali)


Potato — 2 lbs
Cooking oil –half a cup
Sesame seeds– half a cup
Cumin powder –1 spoon
Fenugreek seeds (Methi) - Some
Turmeric powder — 1/5 spoon
Coriander powder — 1 spoon
Asafoetida powder (heeng) (optional)– pinch
Green chilies – 5 – 10Lemon juice — half cup
Coriander leaves– few
Salt- your taste


Boil potatoes, peel it and chop into quarters

Roast sesame seeds (Teel) (half cup) on a pan till it turns light brown and starts crackling, after which grind it in a food processor

Heat half cup of oil in frying pan and add about 30 – 40 methi seeds till it turns dark brown

Add cut green chilies (about 6 – 9 depending on your taste) light fry chilies for 20 seconds

Add spoonful of coriander, cumin and 1/5 of turmeric powder

Add the ground sesame seeds and salt to taste (You may add pinch of Asafoetida)

Cook for a minute in low flame. Stir it continuously

Add the potatoes cook for about 3-4 minutes (stirring continuously)

Add half cup of fresh lime/lemon juice. Mix it very well

Garnish with fresh chopped coriander leaves

Now it is ready to serve.

What is Achar?

Achar implies spicy pickle. Pickle tend to be usually important section of Nepali foods. Achar adds spicy flavor to help standard foods. Achars could possibly be home made or perhaps pickled products. Pickled achar are also extremely popular as it's very easy to preserve for years without refrigeration.

Achars tend to be mixture of fruit, greens along with spices. It can be grilled or perhaps mixed solely. It depends upon the sort of achar as well as the materials utilized in it. Gas is also used as a pickling channel as well as additive. Achar usually are made in your house. However, these types of days’ achars can be bought in industry in substantial scale.

A few achars are designed sizzling, a number of really poisonous and a few tend to be channel. A few achars tend to be lovely also. Achars usually are not ingested on its own. It is just a facet meal. It truly is usually ingested along with almond, curry, roti or perhaps chapati.

It is quite intriguing to find out of which pickle may be created from any food plant life as well as fruit.

Independent of the principal compound as well as masala, achar adds its flavor along with ginger, tomato vegetables, lime, onions, garlic cloves etc.